Combine the Data

We completely automate the data merging and ETL-process and feed your data directly into BigQuery or any other database of choice.

Datahive 360 allows you to combine data from multiple sources into an automated, multi-source database setup, integrate advertising data with sales or customer data and even send data back to Google Analytics using Data Import or Measurement Protocol.

Create and Transform

You can create dashboards and reports from any combination of data sources and transform data into actionable insights in your data visualization tool of choice.

We even have dashboard templates for the most frequently used media available out of the box using Data Studio.

Datahive 360 makes working with marketing data a breeze. But its flexible enough to satisfy the data scientist in you(r team) too. With custom Multi Source data models you can accomplish anything.

Save time and costs

Our standard available data templates allow you to setup a unified marketing datawarehouse in minutes in stead of weeks (or even months).

Skip diving into external API's and start selecting the metrics and dimensions you need. Working with Marketing data has never been easier.

The best unified marketing data platform

Datahive 360 is about to be publicly launched in Q3 2020 and we’re inviting early birds to test-drive the platform and benefit from reduced licensing fees once we’ve launched. Interested? Please reach out to for more details.

Start unlocking your data!

Signup for a trial account and experience how fast and easy working with unified marketing data can be.